- I
- read
- about
- the reason
- migrating geese
- fly in a V-formation.
- Each goose flapping its
- wings creates an upward
- lift for the goose that fol-
- lows. When all the geese do
- their part, the whole flock has
- a 71% greater flying range than if
- each bird were to fly alone. Also when
- a goose begins to lag behind, the others
- 'honk' it into position. The teamwork appli-
- cations here are tremendous. I am sure it is at
- least 71% easier to work the teamwork way flying
- in the flock' than trying it alone, and it is good to
- have the advantage of being moved back into position if
- we stray from our goals.
That's What Teamwork Is All About!