Activities for Grown-ups
1 Water Obsticle Course
- People: 20+
- Goal: Fun
- Time: 20 - 40 mins
- Materials: 1 Bucket and 4 cups per team, water, Any obsticles that you can find
- Method:
- divide group into teams with 4 players per team.
- Each team Starts with 4 empty cups. when the whisle goes they must fill the cups with water and navigate an obsticle course as fast as possible while trying not to spill anything.
- Once finished the course they must put the water in the bucket and the timer is stopped. A combination of the timer and the amount of water left will determine the winning group.
- Obsticle course ideas:
- Stilts
- Pushing one member on a bike
- Going under a blanket or canvas
- Kicking a soccerball around cones
- Going through hoops
- Walking a rope or plank
- Piggy backing each other
- Putting down water and shooting a ball into a hoop (every player)
- Walking backwards
- balancing the cups in some way
- Changing cups half way through the game
- Anything else you think may be enjoyable as well as challanging
- Additional Details:
- Dont make the course too long or the teams waiting will get bored.
- The first group will inevitably be the slowest, so a quicker group may need to go first.
- Warning some groups will want to go again.
- Good for large groups such as scouts, youth groups or church outings etc.
2 Question?
- People: 5-8
- Goal: Reflexes, Fun
- Time: 5 - 30 mins
- Materials: None
- Method:
- Get everyone in a circle so everyone can see each other.
- The object of the game is to ask a player a question, they in return ask a question to someone else (or the same person). The person must have eye contact with the other person so that person knows the question is for them.
- This goes on till one player either answers the question or hesitates to long. After a few practice tries start eliminating people.
- The winner is the person left after all others have pulled out.
- Additional Details:
- To make things more difficult you can have a policy where a question can only be asked once.
3 Word Association?
- People: 5-8
- Goal: Reflexes, Fun
- Time: 5 - 15 mins
- Materials: None
- Method:
- Get everyone in a circle so everyone can see each other.
- One person starts of by naming an object of any kind. It can be a colour, furniture, a friut etc. The next person has to quickly name something that associates with the first object. For example if player one said blackboard the next player could say chalk or black or wood etc. The only rule in the game is that you cannot use an object that starts with the letters 'S' or 'T'.
- The next person then has to name something that associates with the last object. If the first object was blackboard, the 2nd chalk then the 3rd person must associate with chalk not blackboard.
- Slowly you elimiate players who a) take to long to answer b) use a word starting with S or T c) use a word that doesn't associate. The winner is the person left after all others have pulled out.
- Example:
- Blackboard
- Chalk
- White
- Black
- Cat
- Dog
- Legs etc...etc
- Additional Details:
- To make things more difficult you can other letters that cannot be used like 'E' and 'C'.
4 The Dictionary Game
- People: 5 or more
- Goal: Fun
- Time: 20 - 30 mins
- Materials: 1 pen and 2 pieces of paper per player, Dictionary (very large one if possible)
- Method:
- One person becomes chairman and in charge of the dictionary and scoring.
- The chairman finds a word that the players do not know the meaning of. Each player then writes down what they think the word means, trying to make their explaination sound like the dictionaries meaning. The Chairman also writes the correct answer down on a peice of paper. The papers are then collected by the chairman ready to be read out.
- The Chairman then reads out each explaination in no particular order. The players must then guess which statement is the true dictionary meaning.
- Once everyone has chosen a meaning and written it down on paper (give them numbers to make it easier eg Explaination 1) the Chairman goes around and sees who guessed what.
- If a person voted for another players meaning then the player whose meaning it is gets 1 point. If a player voted for the right meaning that player gets 2 points.
- After a few rounds the winner is the one with the most points.
5 3 legged Soccer
- People: 10+
- Goal: Active, Fun
- Time: 20 - 45 mins
- Materials: Leg ties, soccer ball
- Method:
- Pair up players and get them to tie their inner leg together (like the 3 legged race). Split pairs into 2 teams, try to get pairs of equal skill on each side.
- Set up goals at either end of a field. Then just like normal soccer you can only kick the ball. Normal rules apply.
- If one of the pair falls over the pair must stay on the ground till taged by another pair from their team.
- The team with the most points wins
- Additional Details:
- To make things harder for them you can only allow them to use the inner leg (the one tied together) to kick the ball.